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Accommodations/Modifications:A Housing Provider Primer

January 11, 2024 @ 11:30 am 1:00 pm

Various federal and state laws require housing providers to make reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications for individuals with disabilities. These laws also prohibit housing providers from refusing residency to persons with disabilities, or placing conditions on their residency, because they require reasonable accommodations or modifications. This training will provide an overview of the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Maryland Fair Housing Act.  The session will also review the associated housing provider requirements throughout the housing process.  In addition, this training will provide information about the service system that can assist people with disabilities to live successfully in the community.

Through this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Define reasonable accommodations and modifications;
  2. Identify the legal requirements for reasonable accommodations and modifications;
  3. Respond promptly to requests for reasonable accommodations or modifications; and
  4. Engage in a discussion that results in an effective accommodation or modification for the requester that does not pose an undue financial and administrative burden for the housing provider.

This is an interactive, skills-oriented presentation designed to improve your ability to meet your requirements as a housing provider and assist people with disabilities to use and enjoy their housing.

Learn more and register.

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