
Committees | Overview

MIH is working with leaders in Montgomery and Howard Counties and in Baltimore City to establish regional MIH Housing Committees.  These Committees will be composed of people with developmental disabilities, family members of people with developmental disabilities, local government officials, and service providers.  Committees will look a bit different in each jurisdiction and they will set goals specific to the needs to their communities. If you are interested in participating in one of these committees, please send an email to MIH using the contact us page on our web site.

Housing Committee Purpose

The purpose of the Housing Committees is to serve the MIH goal within their region/county/community.


Committees will work with potential housing partners in their community, this might include the local housing authority, non-profit affordable housing developers, for profit housing developers, the faith community, self-advocates and their families, and County and City Governments.  Activity might include ways for people with IDD to access existing affordable housing, ways to modify existing affordable housing, and the development of new affordable housing.  Efforts will focus on housing that is integrated.

Structure of Housing Committees 

Local housing committees will need to have a leader such a chair or facilitator who calls and leads the meetings. They should have a vice-chair or facilitator who can serve as chair or facilitator in the leader’s absence.  They should have someone who takes minutes or notes with actions items.  They should meet at least four times a year.

MIH Role and Resources 

MIH will facilitate the formation of committees.  This could involve providing initial leadership and note taking. MIH Community Living Coordinators will attend team meetings in their areas. MIH staff will keep committees informed of State-wide housing resources. MIH will share information between housing committees.  CLCs will match individuals seeking affordable housing with local affordable housing resources. MIH will track housing and housing resources outcomes connected to local housing committees.

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