
MIH begins strategic plan development

MIH has partnered with the Center for Leadership and Innovation of UMBC to develop a strategic plan which will guide...

Governor hogan release fY23 Budget

Governor Hogan released his FY 2023 proposed budget last week, which covers the period July 1, 2022 through June 30,...
Case Management
Case Management

Enhanced Utility Assistance Benefits

Governor Larry Hogan announced that, to address the rise in heating costs, recipients of the state’s utility and electric assistance...

2022 Revision to the qualified allocation program

Currently, the Department of Housing and Community Development is working to update its Qualified Allocation Plan and Guide.​ Visit the...

IRS Raises Limit For ABLE Accounts

For the first time in four years, the amount of money that people with disabilities can save without jeopardizing eligibility...
Find Housing
Find Housing

Applications for Project based Waiting List For non-elderly persons with disabilities is open

Beginning Wednesday, December 8, 2021 , the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (“HABC”) will be accepting applications from non-elderly persons with disabilities who...
Case Management
Case Management

Housing and services resource center

The Housing and Services Resource Center was created for people who work in the organizations and systems that provide housing...

HUD awards Annapolis and 7 other communities Money for Revitalization

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on Monday announced $3.6 million has been awarded to eight communities...

House approves Largest Investment Ever in Community Based Services

A roughly $2 trillion bill including a historic investment in Medicaid home and community-based services and support for employment, housing...
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