Maryland Inclusive Housing (MIH) has announced its strategic plan that will run through June 30, 2024. The plan will be used to fulfill MIH’s mission to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) successfully access and maintain inclusive, affordable and accessible housing of their choice by creating opportunities, identifying resources, connecting people and providing services.
MIH worked with its Board of Directors and the UMBC Center for Leadership and Innovation to formulate the plan.
MIH advocates for more affordable housing that is accessible to people with IDD. As part of its strategy, MIH collaborates with other efforts to expand affordable housing for all Marylanders, specifically for those with disabilities.
At nearly three years old, MIH is no longer a start-up, finding our footing. Working in consultation with Maryland Developmental Disabilities Association (DDA) and other stakeholders, while driven by the work of the MIH Board and staff, this strategic plan will help guide us into the next three years and beyond as we establish our organization as a leader in expanding housing opportunities for Marylanders with IDD.
The plan builds on three strategic anchors:
1. Building strong partnerships.
2. Educating and advocating.
3. Creating inclusive communities.
It is designed to achieve four goals that will drive MIH’s work during the next two years.:
1. To create change so that people with IDD live in more inclusive communities.
2. For individuals with IDD to be able to choose where they live.
3. To create partnerships that leverage the work of MIH to make these goals happen.
4. To make sure that individuals with IDD, their families and others have the information they need and want to achieve these goals.
“Our plan has set objectives in each of these areas to accomplish our goals,” said Wiens. “In addition, our plan has strategies and tactics to accomplish the outcomes that we are working toward.”
“The strategic plan is a comprehensive road map that shows how MIH will continue to lead and grow inclusive housing efforts throughout the state so that all Marylanders with intellectual and developmental disabilities have the same opportunities to live and thrive in our communities as those without,” said MIH board president Allan Sheahen.
For a full copy of the 2022-24 MIH Strategic Plan, please click here.