
MIH Attends Patuxent Commons Groundbreaking

Representatives from Maryland Inclusive Housing joined Mission First Housing and the Howard County Housing & Community Development on Wednesday, Oct. 9, for the groundbreaking ceremony of Patuxent Commons in Columbia.

The 76-unit mixed-income housing development is based on a concept developed by the Autism Society of Maryland and its Housing Task Force, which adapts an intergenerational model. Its key objectives include maximizing potential for people of all ages and abilities. Twenty-five percent of its units are set aside to be affordable for people with disabilities.

“It has been our pleasure at MIH to support and follow the development of Patuxent Commons and to be there at the groundbreaking,” said MIH Executive Director Tim Wiens.  “Our organization fully supports this as a model for what housing for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) should look like.

“What a great day to celebrate at the site the future Patuxent Commons,” said Thomas A.K. Queenan, Chief Executive Officer and President of Mission First. “We are on our way to creating an important community asset for Columbia where individuals with disabilities, seniors and families can access housing that provides stability and a place to thrive. Mission First is happy to be part of this pivotal project.”

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