12 events found.
Housing Trainings Calendar
The Evictions Process in Maryland
Join the Maryland Partnership for Affordable Housing (MPAH) and Disability Rights Maryland (DRM) as we host a special session on...
Eviction Prevention: Strategies for Supporting Individuals with Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders
In support of the new HHRC Eviction Prevention Toolkit, this webinar will explore strategies for supporting people with mental health...
People Are Stressed and Angry: Keeping Peace and Your Residents/Customers!
75% of people who leave their jobs do so because of another person. 68% of customers stop doing business with...
Public Housing and Serious Mental Illness: Practical Recommendations for Housing Providers
This 90-minute webinar will provide an overview of serious mental illness for housing providers. Although it is targeted toward public...
Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator Webinar Series: Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) | sESSION 2
Discover how a local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) provides Medicaid-funded supportive housing services, collaborating closely with the local public...